2023 - A whole new squad...
2023 - WE GO AGAIN

Its been a little while since I wrote a blog post but here we go....
So in 2022 I was working with 3 athletes, as we entered 2023 the squad had grown to 8 athletes.
Over the last few years I had stopped taking on athletes & as much as I was committed to my current group to be honest I was falling out of love with the sport.
The system is a mess, it offers no support for coaches & very little for athletes below elite level, but that's for another blog.
In 2022 I was coaching Laura (Heptathlon), Harry (Decathlon) & Asha (400m) & I loved it. Coaching remotely meant minimal time at the track for me, lots of training camps & lots of video feedback. Laura had a brilliant 2022 as did Asha, although Harry missed outdoors with a toe injury.
As we emerged from a covid stricken world I started to get the love back for coaching & started wanting to be at a track more.
Its weird how things work out but late summer 2022 I was contacted by a German 800m athlete & the following week by a combined events group in York, U.K.
I had to think seriously about whether to take these athletes on. Did I have the time, or the motivation to commit? Would this disrupt the current set up in which the 3 athletes were excelling. In short was this going to be worth it & was it fair on the athletes.
I decided to say yes to Carmen the 800m athlete and begin discussions with the York combined eventers.
After meeting the parents & the athletes we managed to get a set up organised which would work for everyone involved & we kicked things off late September, the rest, as they say is history!
Every two weeks I travel to York to coach the group, the rest is done remotely. Its A LOT of programming, feedback & video reviews but I absolutely love it.
Being back at the track, at competitions & loving the sport again has been the biggest win.
2023 kicked off with a bang & I will talk about this in the next blog.
If you are an athlete serious about stepping up your training then check out my programmes or reach out on social media. I will be looking to expand the group slightly in 2023
Coach Slaus